Become a Friend of the Library Volunteer
A Friends of the Library group was first organized in Ogden during 1961 to promote improved library service for Ogden City and the surrounding County. Their first major project was to develop a campaign that eventually lead to the construction of the present Main Library.
During 1964, the Friends successfully lobbied the Utah State Legislature to pass a bill that allowed libraries to be organized countywide. Until this time, only cities were authorized to provide library service. The Ogden Friends also organized and successfully ran a campaign advocating passage of a general obligation bond, December 8, 1964, to provide funding for the Main Library. With the passage of the law and the bond, the Weber County Library system was born.
Friends of the Weber County Library was officially organized October 23, 1967, in preparation for the opening of the new Main Library, April 4, 1968. Since then, the Friends have continued to support the Library in obtaining funding for new buildings and services.
At different times over the years, the Friends have also been on the front-line defending the freedom to read and to know, sponsoring programs such as poetry readings, lectures, and book discussions.
Friends of Libraries around the country have become more than participants in providing money and volunteer service. They are advocates for the library. They are emissaries and good will ambassadors. Friends make more Friends by their enthusiasm and continued support of their libraries’ goals and missions.
You may join the Friends of the Weber County Library by mailing your donation of $15 or more to: Friends of the Weber County Library, 2039 W 4000 S, Roy, Utah 84067.
Friends of the Library