Under state and county ordinances, the Weber County Library Board of Trustees is responsible for public library services. Board members engage in planning, establish policy, authorize hiring of staff, prepare the budget, oversee expenditures, and monitor the library system’s overall operation.
Board Members:
Wendy Ogata, Chair
Sandra L. Crosland
Caitlin Gochnoŭr
Shannon Sebahar
Reed Spencer
John L. Watson
Jim Harvey, County Commission Representative
Interested individuals who would like to be considered for a seat on the board may request an application from the Library Business Office at the Headquarters Library (Southwest Branch).
Contact Information:
Weber County Library Board of Trustees
Headquarters Library
2039 W. 4000 South
Roy, UT 84067
The Board of Trustees meets at 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month in the Board Room of the Southwest Branch, unless otherwise announced.
Agendas may be viewed at: https://www.utah.gov/pmn/index.html
Call for information: 801-337-2618