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By: Katelyn Espinosa

Imagine yourself walking through the doors of that dimly lit building full of books. You have walked not far in search of a book you cannot wait to have for the next two weeks. Libraries are buildings that house books and educational resources that are free for the community to use and obtain. One of the biggest issues in the library system is one that is overlooked, and under the nose of many. Today, libraries are going extinct based on the notion of people who claim that libraries are not used in the modern world. With the good intentions of libraries, why do they go unnoticed? After all, libraries are needed among students and adults because it gives them a safe place to go, it helps students develop their reading skills, and it has free resources for all to use.  

Everyday students and adults go to work or school and then back home, this causes them to have two homes, but many studies suggest that there should be a ‘third home’. Articles suggest that, “Libraries are a vital part of the community they reside within. Recent research indicates that people need a ‘third place’, a place outside of home or work, where they can spend time. Libraries have become that ‘third space’ for many. As one commentator put it, ‘libraries are the living room of society’,” (Ted Harris, 2023). As the author states libraries are important for people to reside in, and they are places where people can decompress and refresh themselves. Studies have shown that the ‘third home’ needs to be a place that is away from studies and responsibilities, and away from the social climate. Libraries are that ‘third home’.

Throughmore, not only can libraries help mental health, but also help the development of children. A big and arising problem for children is their lack of progress in reading and writing, but libraries provide many effective ways to help this. As one eductactor puts it “Many libraries partner with educators to provide programs and services that align with the local school’s educational goals and programs. This includes programs and support for summer reading, study and homework support, and teaching students how to use library media for research,” (Sam Bowmen, 2024). Many parents use these resources to help their children who may be struggling with reading and writing. One parent comments, “The programs encourage children to enjoy reading and give them opportunities to spend lots of time with books—a first step toward developing strong reading skills” (D. Celano, 2021). Not only do libraries provide programs that help children, but also one parents agree with.

In many communities tucked in the back corners, there are people who are in need. Through all cities in the world there are people who need help financially and the library recognizes this and provides resources to help. As one commentator puts it, “Libraries offer free, educational resources and books for everyone who can’t buy them for themselves. It doesn’t matter how much money you make because every resource is free, including books, internet access, and computers,” (Emma Williams, 2021). Not only do libraries provide resources for people in the sense of the internet, but they also offer resources and help with resumes and job applications, so that these people can better themselves. 

Although, there are strong arguments against the closing of libraries, many suggest that they are no longer used. In today’s society almost everything is online, even an assortment of books. “Those who have visited a library, 58% reported doing so at least once a month,” (Pew Research center, 2023). This number indicates that a significant amount of Americans do not use the library; however, many people still use them. Even though this problem is large, “We need to keep libraries open so the people who do need them the most won’t be short-changed by the fact that they can’t afford the resources or the multiple books a week that they read,” (Emma Williams, 2023). Getting rid of libraries would have a negative impact on the people and students in the community that still need them. Although they were originally started to organize information they have grown to be a helpful and reliable resource.

In all, libraries are essential; therefore, are still needed in communities. They are a safe sanctuary from the busy daily life. Also, can help strengthen the reading skills of young children, help their mental health, and help community members in need. So visit the library and check out a book, because they are an essential part of the community.