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By: Brooklyn Mills

All about Elephants

Do you know anything about Elephants? You probably know that elephants are big. But do you know how big? Do you know what elephants eat or how much they drink? Do you know how an elephant is born? Do you know anything about an elephant family? Do you know any fun facts?

Elephants are  largest land animals. African elephants can be up to 13 feet tall! An elephant's foot can be 40-50 centimeters long. Elephant's ears can be as tall as a person. Elephants generally weigh 8000-13000 pounds.

Elephants are herbivores. They eat grasses, leaves, shrubs, fruits, and roots. Elephants will drink 18- 55 gallons of water a day.

Elephant birth. After 22 months of pregnancy the mother gives birth while standing. The baby comes out head and front legs first. When an elephant is born it will weigh 200-250 pounds and 3 feet tall.

Elephant families. A group of elephants is called a herd. A herd is lead by the mother. The mother is called the matriarch. Males do not stay with the herd and live completely solitaire. Baby elephants will leave at age 16.

Fun facts about elephants. They have thick skin. Elephants communicate with vibrations. Their tusks are teeth. They are mammals.