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By: Paris Roy




May 30 2024

“Hello…” my phone was buzzing. I figured it was just some text. It's 4 am when I look at my phone. 

Before I can even ask who it is they start talking. “Nolle it’s Ezra.”I sit up real fast not because it's Ezra, but because he never calls this late. Ezra's voice sounds scarce and really worried, leading me to worry. 

“Ezra what’s the matter? Is everything alright? What's going on?”

“Noelle it’s Cole he…he got hit by a car Noelle, him and his mom.  They were driving down Amber road and I guess a car was driving really fast. She is gone Noelle and he…” He chokes a little then starts to cry.

“Ezra, breathe ok I am right here talk to me. What happened to Cole? Where is he? And where are you?” I don’t want to believe this is actually happening, but I know Ezra wouldn’t mess around with this and he has never cried to me. 

“Cole is in the hospital Noelle. I am at home, Why?” This is real he isn’t 

“I’m heading over, I’ll be there in an hour.”

“Are you sure you can? It is 4 am. Will your parents allow you? I don't want to get you into any trouble or feel like you have to come over.”

“Ezra even if I can’t I am still going to go. They should be more understanding. This is our friend and you need someone to drive you to the hospital to see him anyways.”

“I can drive its okay.”

“Can and should are two different things. I know you can drive, but you are emotional and shouldn’t be driving. Now I suggest you just accept it. I am coming over and should be at your house around five. I will see you in a bit, sound good.”

“Yeah I guess. I will see you soon. Hey Noelle.” 

“Yeah what’s up.” I can tell he is not wanting to cause any issues but at the same time I can hear it in his voice that he needs someone over there. He may not know it or be saying anything but I can hear him breaking little by little and trying to put up an act.

“I’m sorry I called you, I just  didn’t know who else to call. I know we are estranged at the moment, but you were the first person that came to mind.”

“Well I am glad you did call me. I will be by your side through this whole thing. Just because we aren’t together doesn’t mean I don’t care about you as a friend.” Truth is I still haven’t told him I am still in love with him, I had planned on telling him soon, but now is not the time to tell him.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Text me if you want me to pick something up, on the way over.”


Its 4: 20 once we hang up. I get dressed and put on some sweatpants and hoodie then put my hair up in a bun and wash my face. By the time I am done with my makeup it is 4:40. I grab my keys and head out the door to the car and text my parents where I am going. 

I reach Ezra’s house at 4:50, I text him that I am here. As I make my way to the door he is there opening the door waiting for me. He half smiles once he sees me, the smile disappears so fast I don’t think it actually happened. One look in his eyes and I know how he is feeling. I run to him and just hug him. I let him sink into me. We stand there for a moment. When he lets go he tries to hide his face like he was never crying and walks inside the house as I follow him I try to think of what to say to him. He closes the front door and still tries to avoid eye contact. We walk to his room and he closes the door. I put a hand on his shoulder and try to turn him to me he just nudges me away. I try again, this time when I try to turn him I move closer to his left side and look at him. “Ezra.” I say,  but he just looks away. “Please talk to me. Don't shut down.” He turns just a little to me. I know I am getting to him so I add. “Please don’t shut me out. I am here for you, talk to me.” He turns to hugs me and starts to cry. 

“Its hurts Noelle. I’m really scared he won’t…”

“Hey, hey now don't think like that it's Cole, remember he is tough I mean look at the dude when he plays football he is hard to knock down. He will make it, I just know it.”

He pulls away and looks at me and says. “You don’t know how bad it is, he is in a coma.” He moves to sit on his bed. I move towards his bed, but I don’t sit down, instead I stand two feet in front of him.

“You are right, I do not know how bad he is, but I do know that I will be here for you every step of the way. Cole is still here though, like I said this is Cole he has been through a lot he will make it through this. Right now there may not be a certainty, if he will always be, but as of right at this moment he is on this earth fighting for his life trying to stay with us and we both know he will not go without a fight.