Reality And Other Fantasy
By: Genevieve Wright
Under the old oak tree
Watch her learn to fly
A small friendly blue fairy
A dragon in the sky
A princess who then marries
A prince Who can’t die
A mother with a child
Who turns into a Whitch
Which is just as wild
As the poor becoming rich
A clock then struck twelve
A group of dwarfs filed
A girls eyes turn gold
A siren sings her song
A goblin counts his coins
As the girl sings along
Shes delighted with it all
A Queen with a crown
A girl who truly belongs
A kingdom with a ball
A prince who actually dies
A siren who stops singing
The girl opens their eyes
Which are no longer gold
I stare at the words
The story’s I was told
It then dawns to myself
The princess has grown up
The dragon has moved away
The story’s I always loved
Will never be the same